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Imenovanje nadbiskupa Richarda Smitha nadbiskupom Vancouvera

Feb 25

2 min read




Čestitamo na imenovanju nadbiskupom Vancouvera, dosadašnjem nadbiskupu Richardu Smithu. Kroz gotovo 18 godina, nadbiskup Richard je bio uvijek otvoren za susrete s ljudima, a na poseban način smo ga mi takvim doživljavali u našoj Hrvatskoj zajednici u Edmontonu. Rijetkost je pronaći takvog prijatelja i osobu u tuđini, koja prepoznaje tvoju vrijednost i cijeni tvoj doprinos. Istovremeno, svi smo pozvani moliti se za novog nadbiskupa u našoj Nadbiskupiji, u kojem bismo isto tako mogli gledati prijatelja i dobročinitelja!

Službeno priopćenje Nadbiskupije Edmonton o imenovanju:

"Pope Francis has appointed Most Reverend Richard W. Smith as the next Archbishop of Vancouver.  The Vatican made the announcement on Feb. 25.

“I am grateful to His Holiness for the confidence placed in me to assume this new mission, and ask for the assistance of your prayers,” Archbishop Smith said in a letter to the clergy and the Catholic faithful of the Archdiocese of Edmonton.“By God’s grace, I have had the extraordinary privilege to serve as your Bishop for nearly eighteen years. I am thankful beyond words for the many occasions we have had to work together in our portion of the Lord’s vineyard. Within my heart I hold a particular appreciation for the priests, deacons, and consecrated women and men with whom I have enjoyed a close collaboration.”

Archbishop Smith will remain in office until his formal installation, which will likely take place in the latter part of May. Additional details surrounding the farewell to Archbishop Smith will be announced at a later date.

Archbishop Smith’s appointment comes as Pope Francis has accepted the resignation of Archbishop J. Michael Miller. As required by Church law, Archbishop Miller submitted his resignation to the Pope on his 75th birthday, July 9, 2021, but was asked to remain in office.

Archbishop Miller greeted the appointment with “gratitude to the Holy Father and great satisfaction,” assuring Archbishop Smith of his prayers and fraternal support.

“Vancouver has been given a shepherd of extraordinary gifts and vast experience. We warmly welcome Archbishop Smith, who is already familiar with the challenges facing us here—evangelization, passing on the faith to young people, Indigenous reconciliation, vocations to the priesthood, to name just a few. I am extremely happy knowing that the faithful of this Archdiocese are entrusted to such capable and dedicated hands.”

Both Archbishop Smith and Archbishop Miller expressed deep gratitude to Pope Francis for discerning this appointment and allowing it to be announced even as the Holy Father deals with serious illness.

“Let us continue to hold the Holy Father in prayer,” Archbishop Smith said. “It is a matter of deep concern for us all when our Pope, our spiritual father, is not well. May the Lord give him strength and consolation in this time of serious illness.”

Archbishop Smith, 65, has been Archbishop of Edmonton since 2007. He has been a priest for almost 38 years and a bishop since 2002.

With his move to Vancouver, he will have served the Church from coast to coast. After ministering in the Archdiocese of Halifax, his birthplace, he was named Bishop of Pembroke, Ontario, before moving to Edmonton."


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